Something About Mainstreets

March 31, 2016

victor harbour

Algo Más Managing Director, Julie Wrobel, will present at the 2016 Mainstreet SA Conference on April 7 at Victor Harbor on the topic of “Creating a Brilliant Brand for your mainstreet”.  Julie’s presentation will reference local and international destination branding case studies and will cover the research and consultation phase, developing a visual and non-visual identity, to execution and rolling out a brand strategy. To find out more about the Mainstreet SA conference visit

Mainstreet SA

In 2010 Julie helped establish Mainstreet SA and as their inaugural Chair was responsible for the successful delivery of the 2011 National Mainstreet Conference.  Following the conference she continued to participate in Mainstreet SA in various roles including as Deputy Chair and as a Committee member. Between 2006 and 2013 she was also a Committee member of local City based Precinct Group, the East End Coordination Group. A Certified Practicing Marketing with the Australian Institute of Marketing today, as Managing Director of Algo Más and together with her team, Julie has worked with many Local Government organisations, and the private sector, on the branding and re-branding of precincts, mainstreets, shopping centres and also on many placemaking projects.

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